The Star reports on Jenny Thompson’s 'Bang To Writes' Book:
As an escort discretion is of paramount importance so it is sad to see that now Jenny is no longer escorting, she clearly doesn't care, as the clients confidentiality is breached. In my book,
The Girlfriend Experience, I changed not only names, but locations, descriptions and any hints that might give away the people I wrote about.
Whilst I don’t condone the kiss and tell culture I equally don’t condone cheating footballers. Are they not simply both as bad as each other?
Let's also not forget we only know what the press want us to know and escorts are always going to be portrayed in a negative way. I know from experience that Jenny's words and actions will have been twisted. Coleen look-a-like, Jenny is the easy ‘scape goat’ here, but lets not forget it takes 2 to tango.
Footballers don’t think about their families when they are doing the dirty so why should Jenny be labeled the home wrecker? He wrecked is own home life! Wayne called Jenny, he enquired and booked her; she was doing her job. She has no loyalties to him or his family. By blaming the other woman, as usual, blame is taken away from the cheater himself.
29 August, 2013