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Author: Rebecca Dakin

So there's a girl sitting in a quiet bar on her own: The approach. Trust me if you go and plonk yourself down she will be cringing. I watched it happen the other day. This guy plonks himself opposite this attractive lady in a booth, sits directly opposite her ‘where are you from?’ She hadn’t finished her drink but she got up and left immediately. You might be thinking ‘how rude’ on her part. Let me explain… He had opened the door for her on the way into the pub, and because she was polite and said thank you he saw a green light that she was interested. This is not an IOI (indicator of interest) for conversation or anything else, it's just good manners. First thing to note is that this guy had clearly been in the pub for hours and was probably even irritating the bar man. A drunken man approaching a sober woman is never attractive. Second of all, it's likely she could be waiting for someone - maybe even a boyfriend. So a more subtle approach is needed to test the water......

Do you seem to always end up in relationships that make you unhappy but yet you carry on in them either hoping things get better, or because your esteem is low and you don’t want to be on your own, or because it’s easy to stay put where you are than to face up that it's not working and to end the relationship? If you resonate with any of this then deep down you think you don't deserve to be happy...

  The way to avoid this is to be aware of warning signs of incompatibility early on. You know those times when you feel really peed off about something your partner has said/done? Well most people ignore that niggly voice in their head that is saying ‘this isn’t right, he/she shouldn’t be treating/making me feel like this.’ This voice shouldn’t be ignored! It’s our sixth sense/our conscious/instinct. Generally if something doesn’t feel right - then it isn’t.
Ref: Corey Wayne – Life is Relationships ‘Here’s why contacting a woman excessively when she does not quickly return your phone calls, texts, emails, messages, etc. causes her to reject you and treat you like a stalker. The calling card and hallmark of a needy guy, future abusive boyfriend or stalker is, an inability to wait for a woman to return their phone calls, texts, e-mails, messages, etc. when they have not heard from her in the time frame they expect. They fear they will get rejected just like all the women before rejected them, so they constantly do and say things that reveal they are seeking a woman’s approval by trying to make or force things to happen by contacting her excessively.’