Is a Good Sex Life Vital to Marriage?
In light of the new drama Wanderlust I was asked by Bella magazine my thoughts as to whether good sex is vital for a good marriage. Here are my thoughts...
In light of the new drama Wanderlust I was asked by Bella magazine my thoughts as to whether good sex is vital for a good marriage. Here are my thoughts...
Hot news this week has been that Strictly Come dancing Stars Seann Walsh and Katya Jones were caught kissing - both in relationships with Katya the professional dsancer being married and Seann in a relationship with Rebecca Humphries. Rebecca set the record straight with a...
Lubrication is an essential part of bedroom kit in my opinion. There's so much you can do with it, it's not all about being dry down below, it's about creating different sensations through play. Try these ideas and see what you think. Thigh sex (for...
Whilst sizzling temperates can make some people very horny, sometimes the reality of all the heat and extra sweaty slippery bodies isn't quite an appealing turn on. Here's my tips for keeping cool, whilst hotting things up. Have sex in the coolest part of the day...
Laura & Wes They keep arguing then back together. Laura is gorgeous however she is coming across as insecure. She has been hurt in the past so her guard is still up. However this is a toxic relationship fuelled by lust. The buzz they get from...
Here's where I teach you the sex education they didn't teach you at school ;) This class is for women only (ci trans all welcome) and gay men. The class is designed to empower you in the bedroom teaching you techniques for pleasuring him and his...
I was asked to comment for last weekends Sun Newspaper on a new report that states women in lesbian relationships and bisexual women have more orgasms that women in heterosexual relationship's. In my opinion there are a number of reasons for this...
It’s really very simple. Give her chocolate or cake and cunnilingus! Here are my Top 10 Tips to Give her the Best Head of Her Life Set the mood, dim the lights, put some scented candles around the room and relaxing music If you’re in a...
In some cases yes, however often what happens is there is a strong connection physically and mentally however unless both have discussed and agreed long term plans, then couples can find that they want different things. For Cheryl she a decade longer at her career, and...
Being a woman today is all about being in touch with your sexual energy (which we all have), known as the Divine Feminine, and utilising it's power. It is the most powerful energy we have and when we hone that our life and relationships are...