Interview on the Ross Hemsworth radio show about porn and legalising the sex trade…
Ross kindly invited me onto his show to discuss my thoughts on the sex trade. Listen to it here folks :)
Ross kindly invited me onto his show to discuss my thoughts on the sex trade. Listen to it here folks :)
So I’m out in Nottingham at the weekend in a crowded club, when a group of 3 young lads (early 20’s) approach me. One tried to pull the “I’ve got these two friends..” PUA (Pick Up Artist) routine with me. It was unnatural, he lacked confidence and it came across as uncomfortable for him and his unsure friends (wing men) behind him.
Little did they know that inside a busy club they had picked the one lady who was a dating coach and who had studied Ross Jeffries, Mystery’s and Neil Strauss’s seduction and pick up. Now what’s the chances of that?! Bless. They didn't believe me and spent the rest of the night asking the people I was with what I did for a living. Now I was at a 40th that was a friend of a friends, so truthfully they didn't actually know what I did.
Catch it here guys :) ahoy sailor! Buy your signed copy of the Girlfriend Experience here (shipping worldwide):
Great tip here from Neil Strauss…
Things not to say to a woman…
"I don't really talk to my family."
She thinks: "This guy has intimacy issues because he's not even able to love his family!" Don't reveal negative personal baggage about yourself in the early stages of meeting a woman. Instead show her you love and take care of all of those close to you: family, friends, girlfriends, and even pets. Being a protector of your loved ones is very sexy to women.’
There's a video here of me being a guinea pig for Mr Ross Jeffries :) In my earlier post I discussed sleazy men, and...
How do you know if you’re sleazy?
1) Do you always have to have some sort of physical contact with women when you speak to them?
2) Do you consider it appropriate to touch a woman’s waist, bum when you speak to her?
3) Do you make a lot of sexual innuendos and/or suggestive comments?.......
Too many guys focus on what they want when dating women, without thinking about what they offer and if the two compliment each other.
For example I’ve had someone who is extremely negative telling me that on their list if requirements for a woman is that they are a ‘positive person’.