Dating Advice for Women Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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Dating Advice for Women

Safe sex is of paramount importance, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon with the condom challenge giving it my own unique twist to try and reach the masses and spread the word. Never go in without a Skin! Men and women carrying condoms and...

You don't need to wait until Valentines day to have a sexy night in. Here I share my top 5 tips on how you can use our 5 senses to blow your partners mind. These include one simple tip which increases orgasmic ability, helps avoid erectile dysfunction...

Take this quiz to find out… For every one that applies to you give yourself 1 point. Then tot up your score…   1.    You know what you want and you expect to be able to have it without developing yourself as a person. After all you think...

No phones Emergency calls only are acceptable whether it’s the friend ‘get me out of here’ rescue call or you have children that are with a sitter who calls. If you need to make business calls – arrange your date at a time when you don’t....

This question is offensive because it’s implying that the person isn’t making a choice to be single, that there must be reason, and it suggests faulty goods. Those single must have been rejected, it couldn't possibly be them who is the rejector! Perhaps it's insecure...

Everyone is a little bit selfish on some level and wants to know, “what’s in it for me?” Whether it is a job, friends or potential girlfriend/boyfriend. For a job it might be job satisfaction, good pay, a pleasant work environment. For friends it might...

Women and texting … many just don’t quite get it. They try and communicate with men as they would their girlfriends and this is simply not the way. Think of man texts… minimal info, and only kisses if you’re lucky!