
Safe sex is of paramount importance, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon with the condom challenge giving it my own unique twist to try and reach the masses and spread the word. Never go in without a Skin!

Men and women carrying condoms and using them for sex, shows that they are educated and sexually mature enough to know the importance of not only avoiding unwanted pregnancy but also minimising the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. It is neither the responsibility of the man or woman to carry condoms it’s the responsibility of everyone engaging in sex.

I was a promiscuous young teenager who basically couldn’t be bothered to use condoms, something feel a little sad about now at 40 years old having borne no children. My lack of fertility could be due to the fact that for 5 years from the age of 15, I engaged in sex with multiple partners, unprotected and repeatedly went to the clinic to find that I was constantly contracting Chlamydia. Chlamydia is known to affect fertility and can make you infertile, and I knew that yet thought like many, that it wouldn’t happen to me. This might not seem that big a deal when you are younger, however trust me, in 10/20 years time you may think differently.

I didn’t want guys to reject me, so never suggested using condoms unless they did. I foolishly put their gratification, and my need for acceptance, attention and ‘love’, above my wellbeing. It was not a smart thing to do.

Check out my video and see how quickly I can put a condom on with my mouth! There is no excuse for it killing the moment, and if he doesn’t want you to wear one, then he doesn’t care about you. Fact!

If you like the video please share it so I can help spread the word about the importance of safe sex.
