Feedback From My Relationship & Dating Advice Skype Consultations "You have asked me for feedback and for 3 things I took away from working with you, and I’m going to keep it... 11 April, 2014
Rebecca’s Top 10 On-line Dating Tips in this Edition of City Life Magasine See my tips for online dating here... 10 April, 2014
Why are you Single? This question is offensive because it’s implying that the person isn’t making a choice to be single, that there must be reason, and... 09 April, 2014
The Truth About British Girls and Threesomes Threesomes: do women fantasise about this in the way men do? If so, do they generally prefer two women, or two men? Yes women... 08 April, 2014
Sex Parties – Killing Kittens It’s great to see This Morning exploring the sex party culture with the fabulous Emma Sayle. Reference: Of course Sex Parties are not for... 03 April, 2014
Kelly Brook’s Engagement to David McIntosh Kelly Brook is engaged to David McIntosh. The photographs of them together are so telling, and yet Kelly seems blissfully unaware of his... 31 March, 2014
The Girlfriend Experience Review Alan has kindly written me an email review of my book to share with my blog readers: I just finished reading Rebecca Dakin’s The... 29 March, 2014
Making your Relationships Better This Mothers Day Many people are fortunate to have a close relationship with their Mum this post is for those who don’t… You are not alone. Here’s the thing... 28 March, 2014
Dating Advice Do People Love or Hate you? Part 2 This post was inspired by last weeks 'First Dates' #firstdates Returning back to the one and only Mr Simon Cowell a guy that... 26 March, 2014