Today I'd like to share with you a lovely email received from an escort in America...
Richard E. Grant: Actor, Director and Author. Richard has appeared in over 80 films and television programs, such as Withnail And I, The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jack & Sarah, L.A. Story, Dracula, The Hound Of The Baskervilles, Gosford Park & The Iron Lady. In 2005 he... I don’t have any sympathy with this couple. Anthea was having an affair with Grant when they were both in relationships. I’m a firm believer in Kama and don’t believe anything good comes of relationships that are born out of deceit and infidelity. Even if...
The Kristen Stewart and Robert scandle is still rife. Read my Infidelity advice in this weeks More magasine. 5 ways to spot if your partner is getting too close to his work colleagues....