Last week I met a great guy Al Needham, Nottingham's very own Mr Sex as he likes to be called :-/ I know it sounds a sleazy/cheesy name but he's great fun and a very genuine and nice guy. The main editor of Left Lion...
Yesterday I went to Birmingham for the second part of my filming. It went very well I think. Although as it was a debate, I think I was far too polite, waiting for people to finish before speaking, so I didn't say as much as...
I was trying to understand why I have been so upset about newspapers printing stuff that's in the book.
The thing is I wrote the book to try and show people that there was so much more to escorting than what people think, which is that...
I'm keen to find out when it's on the shelves! I'm not going to go out and look for it so I'm waiting for a friend to say they've spotted it before I go in a shop in disguise to see it and take a...
Welcome to my new blog!
I thought I'd share my journey with you all as I make the transition back from Bea to Beki. I've been escorting for 9 years and I started writing my book around 4 years ago. I was prompted to start writing...