This Morning Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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This Morning Tag

In light of Cameron Diaz's new film, The Other Woman her opinion was recently debated on This Morning ' Following comments in the media from Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz that we are 'born to cheat', This Morning debated the issue with a little help from Catherine...

This Morning ran an interesting debate yesterday in light of Grant Bovey’s affair about whether Anthea Turner was to blame for his infidelity and if in general women are to blame for their men’s infidelity. In some cases yes women are to blame. Uk viewers can watch the clip (for a limited time) here: This couple are not a great example to use for this debate, as I’ve already discussed their relationship here… They were both married when they got together. The only reason that Anthea is accepting responsibility is because of guilt. She publically initially when he cheated said that she now knew how ‘the other woman’ felt. These are two people that haven’t a clue about fidelity! My opinion is this – whilst Angela Epinstein makes some great valid points, I am tired of hearing that men cannot help their cheating ‘it’s in their DNA’ from caveman times. We have evolved as human beings and are no longer in cave men times; in the Uk we are not in a society where we are forced into marriage. By giving this excuse it really is giving men a green light to cheat and leading them to believe that they don’t have to take responsibility for their choices and actions. I don’t have any sympathy with this couple. Anthea was having an affair with Grant when they were both in relationships. I’m a firm believer in Kama and don’t believe anything good comes of relationships that are born out of deceit and infidelity. Even if...