infidelity Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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infidelity Tag

How to Get Over a Breakup: 5 Steps to Heal Whether you have ended a relationship, or someone has ended one with you, there is often feelings of heartache, anger and rejection which require patience and a healing process. Trying to avoid ‘negative feelings’ only keep...

Recently I was interviewed for Bella magazine as to whether I believed sexless marriages could survive. The long and short of it is no! Sex is what connects us and is the difference between a platonic friendship and marriage. Ok if both parties are fine with...

Don't put your relationship unecessarily at risk this festive season. There are things you can do to make sure your partner is thinking about you, and rushing home to see you rather than cavorting with the lady/guy they fancy in the office. Infidelity proof your...

This weeks Closer reports that defiant Jordan won’t be single for long as she is texting a series of men to boost her confidence. Naturally Katie is still angry and bitter about the betrayal of her husband and ‘best friend’ however whilst she is feeling these...

My Wife no Longer Wants Sex so I'd like to have an Affair reports The Guardian "I am a 65-year-old man who is married to a lovely lady who no longer wants sexual intimacy with me. She wants me to cuddle but as soon as I...

What happened to “don’t mess with the Pricey”?! Pregnancy is a challenging time for any woman with hormones all over the place but add into the mix the stress of 2 people you are close to one being your husband betraying you and it takes thing...