toxic Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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toxic Tag

What Is Codependency? Understanding the Signs and Breaking Free Codependency is a pattern of unhealthy emotional reliance on others, often at the expense of one’s own needs. It typically develops in relationships where one person takes on a caretaker role, feeling responsible for the emotions, actions,...

Toxic Relationship Red Flags: What to Watch Out For Recognizing toxic relationship red flags can save you from emotional turmoil and help you build healthier connections. Toxic relationships often drain your energy, confidence, and happiness, leaving you feeling trapped or diminished. The key thing to note...

A new article states that being in a toxic relationship can cause PTSD. So how do you know if you're in one? Here's 10 tips that should be red warning flags. They make digs at your appearance and personality either seriously or as a ‘joke’ When...