interview Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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interview Tag

It's out now and will be available in shops until Monday the 1st March! I have a two page interview and photographs on pages 72 and 73. Please post your feedback/thoughts if you have any on my blog :)...

Here's the audio clip of my first live public appearance talking about my book. If you remember I talked at the Left Lion Extravaganza here in Nottingham on the 3rd October. Here I openly discuss with Al my reasons for writing my book, my job...

I'll be on live from 2.30 pm and the interview will not be a discussion but rather a conversation with me about my life, my experiences, and my decision to write a book. The interview will last approximately 20 mins. It's available on playback for...

I'll be on live briefly for 5 minutes discussing escorting tomorrow morning around 8.30 :)...

I did it! - My first live radio in a studio! It was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. I was worried my nerves would get in the way but after a few minutes I settled in. Ian Collins the presenter put me at...

What can I say? Lol :) When NOTW came forward although it wasn't my first choice, I did think it would be good advertising for the book. Of course I knew what they would do - sensationalise my story and make it sound as shocking as possible...