hypnosis Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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hypnosis Tag

The power of Embedded Commands… An embedded command for those of you who don’t know is a command in disguise, I suppose like Derren Brown. It’s a command that the unconscious mind picks up on and follows without you realizing it. It’s a powerful technique and one...

One of my recent blog posts I discussed how we can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results. So what’s holding YOU back? Is it confidence? If so what are YOU doing to build it? This could be lack of confidence due to lack of experience in the bedroom, lack of confidence due to not feeling good enough, lack of confidence because of fear of rejection…. The list is endless. Confidence is one of the main things I can help you with on a One to One Session, because it’s not your lack of experience in the bedroom, or not actually being good enough, it’s your perception that this is what makes YOU undesirable, not actually what others think of you. Here’s the thing if I met a guy who was inexperienced in bed I’d think ‘great!’ Someone I can teach to be an amazing lover! Who isn’t stuck in his ways and thinks he’s great in bed when he isn’t. There’s this misconception that people that have a lot of sex must be very good at it – wrong! ......