cheating footballers Archives - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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cheating footballers Tag

Read more: It breaks my heart to see 2 more irresponsible people making babies. Both passing the blame – Hayley; “he didn’t once ask to use protection”, Stan; “If it’s what I’m expecting, there are going to be lives wrecked forever, yours and mine included....

Premier League star who cheated with Imogen Thomas told his secret is safe as court tightens injunction

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I am sick to death of hearing about cheating footballers. Who the hell do they think they are? Rumour has it is a well known fellow Welsh man.

So do I believe these people have the right to super injunctions? NO. I think they should be named and shamed.  Otherwise it's a big green light to carry on treating their wives and familes with disrespect. If you are a celebrity or someone in the public eye, you have to take the rough with the smooth. And press good or bad is part of the package. These type of cheaters will carry on cheating. They make a mockery of marriage. I find little sympathy for those women who stay in these marriages, even for the sake of the kids. How is it a good example to show your children that cheating is acceptable.

Hmmmmm, if she wanted to 'fetch something' from her apartment why did Peter even go in?

I think in this case nothing probably happened, but why do footballers get themselves in such situations? Is it arrogance? I can do what I like because I earn stupid amounts of money, or is it because they are stereotypically 'not all that bright'? I believe that Peter is actually quite intelligent, so I can only assume it's the former - arrogance.

People like Peter, Ashley Cole, David Beckham and Wayne Rooney, selfishly disrespect and humiliate their women time after time, and yet these women still seem to have their rosy tinted glasses on. Is it the unwritten code that if you get involved with a footballer you have to accept that he cheats? And become a submissive Stepford Wife - turning a blind eye to their cheating, whilst hoping he doesn't get rumbled by the press, and if he does, praying it goes away quickly? Because it seems to me that these women accept this behaviour. It's no wonder they keep doing it.