Top 10 Things That Women Hate About Men
Ok there's lots of things that annoy women about men, too many to count, just as I know there's lots about women that bug men. However here I'm just going to highlight 10 things that bug women I've come up with... 1. Being overly dominant When guys start telling women they can’t go here and there, or can’t wear that short skirt, it’s very unattractive. More fool the women that allow themselves to be dictated to! Men that behave like this are usually either insecure or a cheat. 2. Having a foul mouth Every other word being a swear word isn’t cool, and it’s a huge turn off. Guys think how you would feel about a woman who did the same? It’s not manly. It suggests a lack of education/intelligence to be so uncreative with words that you have throw swear words in everywhere.
04 October, 2012