
Infidelity Is Acceptable in Marriage

Here's my controversial new post for Huffington about cheating spouses, please like and share... Your comments and feedback would be welcomed whether you agree or disagree. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rebecca-dakin/

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What does your Online Dating Profile really say about you?

I met a gorgeous girl yesterday who said she wasn’t having any luck with online dating and said that she received lots of photos of men’s private parts. I invited her to show me her profile because I knew that I would be able to see what the problem was in a matter of...

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New Amazon Review For The Girlfriend Experience

...."Her writing style reflects her honest nature and I was hooked from the opening chapter. I love an autobiography, especially the confessional kind, so for me, this book ticked all the boxes! It was insightful as well sufficiently gossipy to satisfy my nosey...

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Addicted to Porn – Porn on the Brain

I was prompted to write this post after watching Channel 4’s Porn on The Brain. http://www.channel4.com/programmes/porn-on-the-brain/4od#3584064 I found it a disturbing programme but one highlighting a big problem one which is becoming increasingly more common with...

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Dating Advice for Women – Texting part 2

Women and texting … many just don’t quite get it. They try and communicate with men as they would their girlfriends and this is simply not the way. Think of man texts… minimal info, and only kisses if you’re lucky! Obviously this isn’t always the case, I also know men...

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10 Top Tips for a First Date

Here's my first article as a Relationship Expert for Meet Me Lifestyle online magasine. I welcome your feedback. http://www.meetmelifestyle.com/rebeccas-tips-first-date/

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