18 May What are the Rules if you are in a Relationship and taking a break?
Is it a hall pass?
Is kissing ok?
Is any physical sexual contact a no no?
What she really means when she says “Let’s take a break” or agrees to one is, step up, prove your worth, make me feel like the only girl in the world, show me how much you love/care for me. Don’t give up on me! Fight for me!
This video was inspired by Geordie Shores Charlotte Crosby and Gary Beadle after Gary allegedly had a threesome filming Ex on The Beach after spending his last night before the show with Charlotte. This prompted another break up in their on/off relationship. There’s mixed views as to whether this is ok I’m finding out from my pol on Twitter which currently shows that 29% of people think it’s ok to sleep with someone else, 47% of people think it’s not ok, and 24% of people think kissing is ok.
If you want to make sure there are no misunderstandings when you are ‘taking a break’ then watch my video and I’ll show you how.