04 Oct Top 10 Things That Women Hate About Men
Ok there’s lots of things that annoy women about men, too many to count, just as I know there’s lots about women that bug men. However here I’m just going to highlight 10 things that bug women I’ve come up with…
1. Being overly dominant
When guys start telling women they can’t go here and there, or can’t wear that short skirt, it’s very unattractive. More fool the women that allow themselves to be dictated to! Men that behave like this are usually either insecure or a cheat.
2. Having a foul mouth
Every other word being a swear word isn’t cool, and it’s a huge turn off. Guys think how you would feel about a woman who did the same? It’s not manly. It suggests a lack of education/intelligence to be so uncreative with words that you have throw swear words in everywhere.
3. Not being romantic
Women want to feel emotionally connected to their men, and romance helps do this. If you only call on your girlfriend for sex, never take her out, she will soon become dissatisfied and if she’s got anything about her she will be off like a shot!
4. Their inability to commit
It’s important for men to understand that when things begin to get serious women usually expect the two of you to become exclusive. Women hate being subjected to mind games, drama from a commitment phobic and inconsistency.
5. Being predictable
Predictable guys are boring. Women don’t want to do the same thing week after week. We want excitement and adventure. Women are attracted to spontaneous men who are untamed, unpredictable and successful with other women.
6. Not looking after themselves Personal grooming, hygiene and presentation go a long way. Lack of care in these areas is one of women’s biggest bugbears and implies no motivation, ambition or discipline. We want our men to be fresh and clean, shaved and smelling sweet. Fingernails clean and short – fresh breath. Healthy eating and keeping fit is always attractive. By having pride in your appearance you show that you have self-respect, and if you have self-respect, others will respect you.
7. Constantly arguing
Women hate it when they have to tread on egg shells around their partner for fear of unintentionally starting an argument and ending up being on the defensive.
8. Putting their friends first
Yes it’s healthy to spend time with your mates, but are you always putting them first? Think about your woman’s needs – are they being met? If not and you want to be with her, buck your ideas up before she starts looking elsewhere.
9. Being needy
Women are attracted to men who exude confidence and independence; they are very sexy traits in a man, however insecurity and dependence are not. Women don’t like to date men who doubt themselves and those that need constant reassurance.
10. Checking out other women in front of their woman
We all appreciate beauty. If you see some hot woman you can bet your lady spotted her a long time before you! The thing is to be respectful. It’s ok to have a cheeky look if your GF isn’t looking. The problem is that most guys can’t do discreet when it comes to ogling women! The best thing you can do if there’s a hot woman in the vicinity is to distract yourself, kiss your girlfriend and look her in the eyes, and if you’re going all out throw a compliment in there too. Try and save the ogling for when you’re with the boys.