01 Sep Porn Stars, Kink, Striptease, Tantra, Sex Toys & Erotic writers: I talk to some of the Sexy People at Sexhibition
It’s now been a couple of weeks since the shenanigans of Sexhibition in Manchester, an event which I believe is encouraging with regards to where us Brits are with regards to our views on sexuality.
Ok we had Erotica in London that started in 1997, but it lost it’s spark in more recent years, however never have we seen a main stream event host a sex party!
The visitors didn’t just consist of kinky couples and ‘brown rain coated’ men in glasses, it was an eclectic group of people ranging from the couple you might see out in a pub Sunday lunch time, to curious teenagers and school teachers. Of course the kinky crowd were out in full swing too, however it really was such a diverse crowd that really highlighted that British attitudes to sex are changing. It is becoming more acceptable to be open about sex and ones sexuality.
One of the workshops I decided to partake in was Jo Kings Kingesis Sensual Confidence. The reason for this were two fold; firstly I have admired Jo from afar for many years as a leader in burlesque and strip tease, but second of all because part of my job as a Sexpert is sexual empowerment and I was keen to see how Jo tackled this subject and her teaching methods. I can confirm that it was not what I expected in a good way – she covered a lot of the foundations through her interactive workshop. However there is far much more to learn so we got the tip of the ice burg in the 1 hour session. Women and men listen up. Do not use lack of confidence as an excuse for not being where you want in life and in love. If you don’t have it, get it. And with workshops like Jo’s accessible to everyone there is no reason not to be the confident person that you desire and deserve!
I was very sad to miss out on Rebecca Lowrie’s introduction to Tantra, but fear not, I will be connecting with this intriguing lady and will report back soon and share my findings.
I spoke to a number of authors of Erotic literature ladies such as Cara Sutra, Victoria Blisse, Lucy Felthouse and Zack Jane Keir, all of whom confirmed the rise in popularity of erotic literature, especially since E.L James bought bondage into the mainstream with a bang. If you want your real life sex slut tales then I can recommend this ladies controversial book: Roxana Shirazi The Last Living Slut. It’s currently keeping me entertained during the evenings.
Sex toys were a big thing, excuse the pun, and I spent a bit of time learning from Josh at Sweet Pleasure Direct which the popular toys were. I was kindly given the Magic Wand to test and review, so watch out for my video review cuming soon 😉
Sister Jacqui Moff from The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence was there to serve the community and bless all that befell her with joy and radiance and fabulousness. I must purchase some cherry glasses!
Lastly the XXX arena was host to various UK porn Stars, including some of my personal favourites… The legend that is Linsey Dawn Mckensie, Daisy Rock, Rebecca More, Zara DuRose, Lu Elissa, Ella Huges and Lucia Love. All of whom took the time to chat to me and my camera man and share some sex tips discussing Real Sex verses Porn Sex.
Porn sex v’s Real sex starring Rebecca More,Linsey Dawn McKensie & more girls fantasy sex & reality