15 Nov I Talk Sex, Masturbation, Orgasm & Girl sex with The Women’s Institute
Last week I unleashed my new talk on Nottingham City’s Women’s Institute ladies. It was their most successful night of the year so far with a record turn out of over 30 ladies, of all ages from 21 to 70! They were literally queuing out of the door.
There’s a misconception that all the Women’s Institute do is make jam and cakes and drink tea. I can assure you this wasn’t the case; whilst we did have a delicious array of cakes, we also quaffed boozy Cosmopolitans whilst I talked about sex: losing my virginity, masturbation, orgasm and my decade as an escort!
The W.I. are very supportive of sex workers, which goes to show what an open minded bunch of women they really are.
I wanted to create a talk to deliver in synergy with the message of my new book. Which is to empower women and make them feel good about their sexuality, feel like they are doing the right things in the bedroom, whilst encouraging them to try new things in a way that’s accessible to all women, not just the ones who are super confident.
From the feedback I got I nailed it! I just need to decide what to call my talk. Any ideas?

Lets talk about sex