Dating Advice for Women - Tips for Getting him to Miss You and Think about You - The Great British Sexpert - Rebecca Dakin
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Dating Advice for Women – Tips for Getting him to Miss You and Think about You

Dating Advice for Women – Tips for Getting him to Miss You and Think about You

Girls I know that we are impulsive texters/callers but we really do need to refrain once in a while.

This post was inspired by last nights TOWIE when sexy, super stud Mario actually gave out some useful advice to Ferne on men – “Let him miss you. Stop texting and calling him all the time.”

When someone is unsure in a relationship the worst thing you can do is bombard them with calls and texts. People need time to think and gather their thoughts and feelings.

If you lose this person in this time then they weren’t right for you, and you should let them go. You can’t force someone to like you. If they do want you they will respect you for giving them space.

It’s good to have a certain amount of fight if you believe that person is the one but it should be done with dignity and self-respect and not desperation. However I’m still old fashioned and believe that men should do the chasing.

Someone obsessively calling and texting is showing that they are not getting on with their life and it’s not attractive to any man or woman.

Lets face it if it’s not getting you the results you desire then why carry on? Something has to change if you want a different reaction.

After a break up – here’s my Tips for Getting him to Miss You and Think about You –

1)   Make him wonder if you are thinking about him. If you see him out and about don’t straight away afterwards text or call him. Don’t mention to yours or his mates that you have seen him. Convince yourself by not talking about seeing him or acknowledging it that it is not of importance.

2)   Get busy! If you’re spending time thinking about him start filling your time with hobbies and interests to minimize this. You need to be happy with your own company before you can expect a man to be. Do whatever it takes to take keep your mind occupied with positive healthy things; friends, family, shopping, gym.

3)   Limit your phone interaction – Don’t call or text him first. If he calls you don’t jump to speak to him. This implies you’re waiting. I know you are but it’s best he thinks you’re not. Wait and call him back in a few hours. Us women have a tendancy to start ranting and not listening. Let him talk – do more listening than talking, that way you’ll find out how he’s feeling and what he’s thinking. Waiting a few hours also applies for texts.

4)   If you are in contact and need to reply to him remember less is more. Keep texts and phone conversations brief don’t discuss your relationship or your feelings unless you arrange to meet face to face.

5)   Don’t like his Facebook statuses, reply or write ‘cryptic’ messages digging at him on your profile or on Twitter.  It’s not cool. Be dignified and keep your feelings and thoughts about him to share with close friends and family.

6)   Don’t accept all invitations – if he does contact you to see you then make it on your terms and make him wait. Don’t be the eager beaver!

Coming soon blog post on how to tell if he’s not into you…

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