Rebecca Dakin escort girl on This Morning discussing her escort memoirs, The Girlfriend Experience 10 September, 2010
TV shows on You Tube…. My super dooper web designer has added all my tv clips onto You Tube. You can find them here... 12 July, 2010
The Girlfriend Experience feedback… Hi Rebecca, I read your book as soon as I got it. I think it's really good, you write really well and there... 23 June, 2010
The Girlfriend Experience feedback… Just finished your book and wanted to congratulate you on writing it at all, I am sure a first publication takes hard work... 09 June, 2010
Interview about The Girlfriend Experience for BBC Radio Nottingham Here's my audio clip of my live interview about The Girlfriend Experience with Richard Spurr last week. I'm getting a bit of a... 13 May, 2010
This Morning live interview this week Friday the 30th April!! (TV link in this post) I am very excited! I have an interview with Eamonn and Ruth on This Morning about my book The... 29 April, 2010
The Girlfriend Experience; Talk Sport Radio – The Late Show with Ian Collins In July 2009 I did a live interview with Ian Collins for the Talk Sport radio station regarding my book The Girlfriend Experience.... 17 March, 2010
The Sun today Wednesday 24th Feb has a double spread interview with me and photos! I had a proper shoot in London with them last week, with my own stylist, and hairdresser and make up artist. It was... 24 February, 2010