05 Jul Filming with Richard E Grant for BBC Worldwide
A few weeks ago I did some filming with Richard E Grant for a new documentary that’s due to be aired on BBC Worldwide in the Autumn. Richard was the perfect interviewer. In fact he was that good that I didn’t actually realize that the interview had started! It took me about 2 minutes. Doh! He made me feel like I was in an intimate, private conversation with him, rather than in a studio with about 9 other people. He was interested, open minded, none judgmental and a real gentleman. Anyhow that’s all I can say right now, apart from after interviewing little old me he went to interview Brit Ekland! Richard emailed me afterwards to tell me he had been singing my praises to TV stations, so you never know, next I might have my own show 😉
Anyhow I’ll keep you posted when I get the date it’s going to be aired. Watch this space….